The Chandler, Arizona-based real estate company offers fully furnished homes on short-term leases for families “in between” permanent residences.

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Another alternative model for temporary living in stand-alone residential has launched.

Tweener Homes positions itself as a part-time housing solution for families in-between homes, marketing lease options from one month to a year.

In a press release, the company states it is a “technology-based real estate company … filling the gap for families who need an ‘in-between’ residence while searching for a permanent home or waiting out construction or renovations.”

The homes available to Tweener Homes clients are fully furnished, and the process is conducted online via a secure application and workflow platform.

Families needing to rent a home or find some form of temporary housing is common, especially in very tight sellers’ markets, like the one most of the country is currently experiencing. Whether as a result of not finding a new home before their sale closes or waiting on a new build, the process can be trying and expensive, as reported by Inman contributor Cara Ameer.

Nick Calvi

The company’s current search page shows 1,943 available homes in Arizona, primarily around the greater Phoenix area. Tweener Homes is based in Chandler, Arizona.

The company also announced a partnership with Expedia’s web portal for vacation rental management, Escapia.

The relationship is intended to open a new market for Tweener Homes customers and owners of rental homes, who can use the platform to promote their Expedia rentals directly to families needing temporary housing.

“Tweener Homes is a distribution source for the 1,000+ property management companies who use Escapia vacation rental software,” said Nick Calvi, CEO of Tweener Homes in an email. “Property management companies can seamlessly distribute their inventory to Tweener with a click of a button and all information is shared and synced between websites in real time.”

Property managers can also leverage the relationship to reach longer-term, non-vacationing renters, in turn benefiting their homeowners.

Escapia has more than 14,000 registered users, according to the press release.

Have a technology product you would like to discuss? Email Craig Rowe

Craig C. Rowe started in commercial real estate at the dawn of the dot-com boom, helping an array of commercial real estate companies fortify their online presence and analyze internal software decisions. He now helps agents with technology decisions and marketing through reviewing software and tech for Inman.

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