Matt Hansen and venture capital firm SixThirty take $1.6 million stake in the home management platform.

SimpleNexus founder and CEO Matt Hansen is taking a stake in HomeBinder, a home management platform that helps mortgage lenders and real estate agents generate more repeat and referral business.

Matt Hansen

Hansen and venture capital firm SixThirty are investing $1.6 million in Burlington, Mass.-based HomeBinder. Founded in 2012, HomeBinder says its platform is used by more than 450,000 homeowners to keep track of documents, manage maintainance, and find contractors to do repairs.

HomeBinder is only available to homeowners through authorized professionals and certified partners, including real estate agents, mortgage lenders, insurance companies, builders and homeowners associations.

With integrations that include salesforce, Encompass and Spectora, the platform provides an “ongoing digital connection with the home,” when HomeBinder business partners offer a digital binder to their clients that includes all of their mortgage closing documentation.

“Lenders who offer HomeBinder as a digital closing gift to their clients find that it creates a client-for-life experience, enhances opportunities for re-engagement, and leads to increased referrals,” the company said.

Jack Huntress

“We are incredibly excited to have SixThirty and Matt join us as investors in HomeBinder,” said HomeBinder CEO Jack Huntress in a statement. “This is a key endorsement of the HomeBinder value proposition from within the FinTech and InsurTech industries as a critical value-added service and post-close client engagement tool for lenders and insurance providers.”

SixThirty is a venture capital firm that invests in enterprise technology companies including Abode, a flat-fee home buying and selling platform, and bloq, a provider of software tools for building on blockchain networks.

SimpleNexus is a digital mortgage platform that connects more than 34,000 loan officers to borrowers, settlement agents and real estate agents.

Email Matt Carter

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