After a year of virtual conferences and meet-ups, the real estate industry is steadily moving back into the world of in-person events. RE/MAX is hopping on the live-event train with the launch of Coaches Corner Live, a 13-city tour featuring famed coaches Tom Ferry, Jared James and Wayne Fredrick.

The tour will start in Houston on June 8, with events in Atlanta, Orlando, Charlotte, Chicago, Cleveland, Denver, Las Vegas, Phoenix, and Rockville, Maryland; before ending in Austin on August 6. Tom Ferry will lead the first two events while Jared James and Wayne Frederick will split the remaining 11.

Pam Harris | Credit: RE/MAX

“These sessions offer an energy that is best captured in a live setting, so we’re thrilled to be able to bring this tour in-person, to professionals across our industry who have been missing out on experiences like this for the past year,” Senior Vice President of Experience and Partnerships Pam Harris told Inman.

The two-and-a-half-hour mastermind-style events will cover several topics including how to create a more robust lead generation game plan, tips and tricks for winning bidding wars, how to effectively use technology to better serve buyers and sellers, and strategies for raising credibility with potential, current and future clients.

The event is open to all agents and is free for the first 50 registrants in every city, with the remaining 350 tickets on sale for $25 each.

Nick Bailey | Credit: RE/MAX

“Everyone benefits when real estate agents – at any brand – receive great coaching and information,” RE/MAX Chief Customer Officer Nick Bailey said. “That’s why we’ve teamed up with some of the best real estate coaches who can offer training, education and useful advice to real estate professionals who may never have access to this type of opportunity due to financial constraints or time away from home for travel.”

A RE/MAX spokesperson said registrants will be expected to follow the unique COVID protocols in each city, which may or may not include mask-wearing.

“RE/MAX is following the health and safety guidelines that each venue has in place,” the spokesperson said in an emailed statement. “[The guidelines] vary from city to city. Safety protocols for each city are provided to the attendee following registration.”

There won’t be any recording of the live events; however, RE/MAX will rollout additional digital Coaches Corner sessions throughout the year.

Email Marian McPherson

agent advice | RE/MAX
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