As the market cools down, you want to make sure that all your listings get the proper attention they deserve from potential buyers. Here are five “coming soon” marketing tactics that’ll get a little buzz going for your listing before it hits the market.

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We’ve all been here — you have a listing, and you can’t wait to get it up as an active sale. You know this house will be popular if you get it out there to the right potential buyers, but we’re not in the market frenzy we were a few months ago. 

As we’re starting to see what looks more like seasonal slowdowns in many markets, listing marketing strategy matters

What can you do to hype your upcoming listing and alert potential buyers that you have a property they might love? The answer: coming-soon marketing. Here are a few strategies to try.

Create teaser posts

Think of this like a movie trailer — studios give you just enough to get you back to the theater. Flashy lights, intense music, gorgeous scenes — they give you all sorts of hints about what you are going to see without spoiling the movie. 

Using your social media, you can take one or two photos and post them, announcing that this listing will be coming to the market soon, and a call to action like, “Click this link or message me to set up an appointment for a private tour once it’s available.” 

You can use a teaser landing page to preview the property, but don’t post all the information or pictures, only a few. Enough to give them a taste, without offering the whole buffet.

Give a glimpse of a tour

Some agents have very successfully done virtual teaser tour videos. They would tour only a few rooms of the listing, or just the main level, and leave everything else out. 

I admit, I resented seeing those sometimes because I want to see the whole house, which is precisely the reaction you want! People want to see the entire home, so they book an appointment to view it once it’s active. 

Make a ‘get notified’ list

Make sure that you’re notified whenever prospects engage with these teaser tactics. Create a notification list when you start getting leads.

Set up your campaign so that you can have prospects opt in to receive notifications on future properties that come up for sale.

Send out coming-soon postcards

Send at least 100 postcards to potential buyers or investors featuring the property with a “coming soon” header and a little information about the property. Invite recipients to contact you directly for a private tour once the listing comes to market. 

Lean on virtual technology for new builds

For those real estate agents working with builders, selling a home that doesn’t exist yet can be a challenge. People tend to be visual, so there are plenty of tools you can use to help create visuals that you can use to help pre-sell your listings: 3D renderings, 2D Floor plans, and a 3D Render virtual tour. 

Get creative with your marketing, and have some fun with it. 

Darryl Davis is the CEO of Darryl Davis Seminars. Connect with him on Facebook or YouTube 

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