Leslie Clarke’s team specializes in the upscale Westport and Fairfield County markets, according to an announcement. In 2022, the two-agent team closed $124.33 million in sales.

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The Leslie Clarke Team, the No. 1 small team in Connecticut by sales volume, has moved from William Raveis to Compass, the brokerage announced on Tuesday.

The team, which is comprised of licensed luxury agents Leslie Clarke and Jeannette Floto, specializes in Westport and Fairfield County luxury markets. In 2022, the team closed $124.33 million in sales volume, according to RealTrends.

Leslie Clarke | Compass

“I am excited to join an innovative company like Compass,” Clarke said in a statement. “This transition provides me access to the industry’s premier technology platform, an energetic office culture, and an expansive referral network spanning the nation.”

Compass said that The Leslie Clarke Team’s move comes as the brokerage has recommitted to expanding its agent tech offerings.

Some of Clarke’s notable recent sales include the $7 million sale of 248 Hillspoint Road in Westport and the $5.29 million sale of 42 and 44 Compo Mill Cove in Westport.

Mary Lowe | Compass

“We could not be more thrilled to welcome Leslie to Compass,” Mary Lowe, Compass’ Connecticut sales manager, said in a statement. “She is a talented agent who has achieved high success by placing the needs of her clients first. Coupled with our platform, I’m excited to watch her business grow.”

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