Is there harm in mentioning some materials 'possibly contain asbestos'?
Inspector who missed defect may be held liable
Does buyer have recourse against $5K in plumbing, AC defects?
Besides new paint and carpets, don't forget about air ducts
Attention should be paid to foundation vents to reduce moisture
Older plumbing, electrical systems not up to current standards
Why neighbor must cut them down or pay removal costs
Violation means modifications will be required before selling
Inspector disapproves of roofing contractor's advice
What to do if builder refuses to correct defects
$600 is a lot to pay for no piece of mind
How to build referrals when you have neither experience nor credibility
Health risk, replacement cost make owners suspicious
Buyers seek legal action against agent after spending thousands on repairs
Discovering defects now can avoid a host of legal trouble
Claims some are a waste of money
Why does builder refuse to fix water line?
Leaky roof could turn into lawsuit
Neighborly dispute could be solved with 7-foot-high divider
If you don't, be prepared for legal troubles and long time on market