Home inspector estimates not set in stone
Builder's warranty may save owners who didn't do pre-purchase inspection
Defect discovery could put deal on hold, re-open negotiations
Moldy surprise causes problems for unsuspecting home sellers
Simple, cheap way to having dry furnace ducts
Must condition be disclosed, corrected before selling?
Simple advice can prevent future problems
Attorney ethics ruffle feathers in legal community
Garage's first purpose as vehicle storage is overlooked
Buyer discovers property defects, questions reliability
Certain circumstances leave owners holding the bag
Woman interested in entering field
Certain areas more prone to attract creepy critters
Limited space could bring future problems
Unethical conduct raises eyebrows and questions
Proper care of heater for vacant home is recommended
Electrician points finger at home inspector
Why do some inspectors bypass certain areas of the home?
Fault may lie with several different people
Homeowner discovers buried air ducts