Some expenses, when left unchecked, can end up costing you. That's why keeping an eye on the money flowing out of your business can be a good way to improve your profitability. Here are a few tips for optimizing your cash flow.
Bill Ham
What started out as a conversation at a live event one hot, sunny day in downtown Atlanta has blossomed into an amazing collaboration between Bill Ham, Jake Stenziano, and Gino Barbaro (Jake & Gino). Bill was instrumental in helping Jake & Gino launc... Read more
What started out as a conversation at a live event one hot, sunny day in downtown Atlanta has blossomed into an amazing collaboration between Bill Ham, Jake Stenziano, and Gino Barbaro (Jake & Gino). Bill was instrumental in helping Jake & Gino launch their mentoring program and is one of the lead trainers in the company.
With over 25 years of experience in operating vertically integrated real estate businesses, and over $100 million in assets under management, Bill, together with Jake and Gino, strive to teach others the strategies that have allowed them to become financially free.
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