Massachusetts senior apartment complex changes hands
Median prices rise nearly 14% from previous year
Diary of a real estate flipper
Boom in loans to those with poor credit slows
Motor home trend is on the upswing
30-year fixed rate at 5.67%; 10-year Treasury yield at 4.48%
Huge inventory fuels buyer's market
Nearly 30% in survey own one or more investment properties
Low-cost loans are available for about 350 borrowers
Help-wanted advertising index flat in December
Fed expected to raise cost of borrowing money again
Revenue for credit scoring company jumps as well
Wholesaler moves into space
Buyer banks on increasing rental rates
Tenants include law firm, title co.
Lawsuit could shut down popular mobile devices
Fourth-quarter earnings grow 29% from a year ago
Buys space for its creative unit
Lion's share of funds awarded to Louisiana, Mississippi
Price gains overtake sales increases