U.S. Representative's retirement 'a loss for housing industry'
Guest perspective: Increasingly difficult to protect consumers from unintended outcomes
Battery-operated light for for-sale signs launches
Trade group fears widespread economic impact
Opens three new franchises to serve Midwest city
Average price posts strongest gain this year
Deal provides AOL users with access to Homestore property listings
30-year fixed rate at 5.76%; 10-year Treasury yield at 4.55%
Buys 7-property portfolio
Households fall short nearly $74K in amount needed to buy home
Lending segment reports major gain, thanks to LendingTree
72% of Freddie Mac's loans in third quarter were cash-outs
Inflation appears to be under control, committee says
Major retailer anchors site
Complex comprises 51 multistoried buildings
Virginia home values post double-digit growth
Residential sector posts seasonally adjusted increase of $6 billion
30-year fixed rate at 5.75%; 10-year Treasury yield at 4.57%
Part 1: Innovative story-telling: Spaces, places, faces
Product aims to expedite transfer from MLS database