Luxury real estate network now covers Bahamas, St. Louis, Boca Grand, Fla.
Wolters Kluwer expands offerings to mortgage industry
Company property listings are on the air
Makes multifamily purchase
Expansion planned for brand-new plaza
Deal involves more than 467,000 square feet
Realtor publishes online audio descriptions of home listings
Households need $133,800 income to buy median-priced home
Inflation fears keep Fed on alert
Interest rates rise for 4th week
Nation's strongest real estate conditions found in seaside areas
Katrina, Rita losses in $150-$300M range
30-year fixed rate up at 5.52%; 10-year Treasury down at 4.37%
Part 2: Rebuilding after disaster
Grants aim to help families buy, keep homes
BasePoint Analytics launches FraudMark
Sales expected to remain at record level for next two months
Nearly 398,000 square feet involved
Site 10% vacant at closing
Realtors report record September