Site comprises 4-plus acres
Buildings total more than 65,000 square feet
Editorial: Real estate franchise gets bigger and better, despite controversy
One needs $109,670 income to buy median-priced home in state
Bags 11 buildings
Survey finds many consumers' financial situations will grow worse this year
30-year down at 5.3%; 10-year Treasury holds at 4.24%
Launches video-rich online channel,
Forecast shows current construction levels can't meet demand
Home One helps new-home buyers lock in mortgage rates up front
Costs jeopardize home equity, refinance
60 days required for congressional review
Proper procedure eliminates legal troubles
Practice retains lease through 2022
Property built in 1970s
Vacancy stands at 34%
Aspen Land & Homes brings 5 offices to network
Increase seen in 90-day-plus delinquencies
Fewer execs believe economy is improving
Median home price gains 8% in 2004