Part 1: Why do minorities pay more for their mortgages?
Costs vary for borrowers seeking short-term loans
Part 3: Consequences of a dysfunctional market
Part 2: Consequences of a dysfunctional market
Part 1: Consequences of a dysfunctional market
Longer loan term doesn't necessarily mean less cost
Borrowers should be wary of referral fees from third parties
Annual percentage rates make high-point loans look great
Several types exist in today's market
Piggyback situation complicated by primary adjustable loan
Part 3: Understanding lead generation
Part 2: Understanding lead generation
Part 1: Understanding lead generation
Part 3: Making the best of a bad financial situation
Part 2: Making the best of a bad financial situation
Part 1: Making the best of a bad financial situation
Certain investments not worth the risk
Lenders capitalize on riskier mortgages
Growing movement aims to improve loan shopping
Readers weigh in with interesting tips