While cash may be king in some markets, closing with greenbacks may not always be the best option for homebuyers or sellers
Feb 9
Dealing with a new construction is very different from resale, and agents who understand that difference will ultimately win in this market. Here's what you need to know and how to educate your clients along the way
Oct 15
Agents can play a valuable role ensuring their clients are set up for rental success by identifying homes that might be great rentals, suggesting improvements and updates, and informing owners of local rules. Here's what to know
Sep 30
If you question what value social media really adds to your business, don't. Point blank, it gives real estate agents way more reach than they could get offline. It's not for everyone, but here are some tips to make getting started easier
Jul 30
Sellers often approach disclosures with dread. Agents need to counsel them about the many benefits of disclosure, from building mutual trust to offering legal protection
Jun 14
Some sellers may think their home is perfect the way it is, but as a lot of agents know, staging is what will help set their home apart from similar listings online. Here's how to explain the value of staging to clients — plus a few tips that can bring them a considerable return on investment
Apr 19
Buyers are put at ease when they notice high amounts of buyer activity for a particular listing. There’s comfort in the crowd, especially in today’s highly competitive seller’s market
Mar 8
While single-family homes are experiencing hyper-competition, today’s condo market might be more favorable to buyers. Here are a few negotiation tips agents should know to maximize their clients' purchase
Feb 4