A matchmaking lead service that does a good job at overlapping buyers and sellers with the best agent, but it doesn't come cheap
by Craig C. Rowe May 15
The president of a 200-agent boutique brokerage in Atlanta developed a solution for helping agents educate clients on the rise of iBuyers
by Craig C. Rowe Apr 10
A Seattle agent, tired of mainstream options, spent 2 years developing a software solution to help agents generate leads, manage contacts and market listings
by Craig C. Rowe Jan 24
We reviewed First in 2017. It has since gone mobile-only and encourages users to uncover new business from existing contacts and by keeping a pulse on the flow of the market
by Craig C. Rowe Dec 20
Part relationship manager, part business management solution, its features, including lead auditing, a mobile CRM and robust tagging, stand out in an otherwise typical solution for larger brokers and teams
by Craig C. Rowe Nov 22
From its robust moble app for iPhone to its market intelligence heat maps, TopHap offers an entirely new way for agents to understand what's happening around their listings
by Craig C. Rowe Nov 8
Now an inactive broker because his software has taken off, Shawn Sommer developed Agent 3000 largely around his own best practices; it's now accessible to more than 250K agents
by Craig C. Rowe Nov 1
Ben Kinney assembled a number of technology acquistions into what is now called Brivity, a business lifecycle platform for teams that's heavy on follow-up and lead nurture. But is it the category's clear winner?
by Craig C. Rowe Sep 27
The platform, an Inside Real Estate product, should give brokers plenty to look at when considering a solution to address all pain points along the real estate business spectrum. It has some unique highlights that make it a top contender.
by Craig C. Rowe Aug 29
Buyers can build profiles, earn a 'Ready to Purchase' score and network with sellers. But there are some hidden risks for agents who work with a choosey seller
by Craig C. Rowe Aug 1
A new company and product from ex-Zillow ad execs offers more detailed leads and a 12-month automated follow-up plan
by Craig C. Rowe Jun 14
With its roots deep in real estate business information technology, Realistiq offers to salve many pain points of running a large brokerage
by Craig C. Rowe May 14
The chat tool strikes a solid balance between automated lead qualification and agent hand-off, providing in-chat social media context, property previews and location needs
by Craig C. Rowe May 2
With facial recognition, carefully managed tour schedules and beacons that provide data to managers, the company is helping renters see apartments on their own
by Craig C. Rowe Apr 10
The local web content provider thrived behind the scenes with brokerage and software partnerships, but now it’s emerging to serve the greater agent market
by Craig C. Rowe Mar 5
A new entry to the industry, My Digital Advertising helps agents target online home shoppers via keyword searches and digital ads
by Craig C. Rowe Feb 4