
photo by b_d_solis

I attended a local gathering of bloggers, podcasters and video bloggers tonight in downtown Portland at the Wieden & Kennedy headquarters. It was hosted by Marshall Kirkpatrick, former Techcrunch blogger and now director of content at SplashCast. The topic was “Problems and Solutions in Social Media Production” and covered many diverse aspects of these new mediums. The talk was streamed live over the Internet and captured for posterity and will eventually be posted on the Portland Social Media Group web site.

Much of the discussion centered on finding your voice and how to promote it, but we also had a chance to talk — even debate the value of — some emerging technologies like Talkshoe.com, Ustream.tv and Twitter.

Ultimately, what was most fascinating for me was the cross section of people in the room, from all walks of life; some ad execs, folks from Nike and Intel, some journalists, some techies; some people into cycling, science fiction, organic agriculture and even a guy who makes ducttape wallets. Even Russell Shaw (no, not that Russell Shaw, the other Russell Shaw) joined us for the conversation.

What was invigorating was seeing how social media can empower each and every one to make a difference in their professional and personal lives. Real estate is no different. We’re only at the beginning of the revolution and it’s only going to get more interesting moving forward.

If you’re interested in participating in one of these discussions, check out the worldwide Social Media Club web page for an event near you.

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