I found this image through a pingback on one of my recent posts. (via the awesome Kramer WordPress plugin)


Holy #@!?. Is this a joke?

A quick Google search later and no joke. “Your search for the perfect orgasm is over” is the City of Victoria, Canada’s new advertising slogan. (see Tourism official defends ‘orgasm’ ad)

State and city tourism boards often have the most insane marketing campaigns. In fact, some are so patently absurd it makes you wonder just who are the people that come up with this stuff? And why are they even being paid?

It doesn’t get much better closer to home either. Portland’s Muppet-themed “It’s not easy being Green” (see Branding Portland) and Oregon’s “We Love Dreamers” (see Oregon Icons) are pretty awful.

So is Washington State’s “Say WA” (see Say What? It’s Say WA). And when I read that Seattle’s slogan is “Metronatural” I almost spit my coffee all over my monitor laughing. (see Metronatural…)

Are dumb slogans strictly a Northwest thing? Is it something in the coffee?

If you want some insight on the creative process that likely went into crafting these slogans, I’d highly recommend watching the following short film.

(WARNING: While hilarious, the language in this short is definitely adult in nature and NSFW)

By the way, if you are searching for the perfect orgasm – I have a condo in Victoria with your name all over it.

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