We are all excited about Real Estate Connect NYC. Many of us have been multiple times, and we see it as a great way to collaborate, share and be together in real life. Our worlds are all abuzz with social media relationships. This is one of the best opportunities to take online offline and fortify those relationships!
As a newcomer, the social channels can be daunting because you don’t know any of the people who are talking. You have made a sizable investment to attend, and you want to get the most out of it. Sounds like a lot of pressure!
Let me take a some pressure off. First of all, connect with the ambassadors, as we are the formal greeters and guides. We are happy to make introductions on social media and in real life. Start making friends now on social media, and check out my list of five things to do when you arrive.
(And please reach out to me if I can help with anything while you are at Connect. The relationships I have found through this event have a special place in my heart.)
1. Make a list of who you want to connect with and set early coffee or late drink meetups before you arrive.
There are places all around Times Square to have one-on-one meetings before the day starts or after it ends. Download Yelp, Starbucks and the Urbanspoon app to find cool spots nearby.
2. Never eat a meal alone; tag along with anyone you can find.
Groups are always forming in the lobby, so don’t be shy! Being a wallflower won’t get you anywhere (and you may even starve).
3. Talk to every vendor there; you will discover things about their products that will enhance your business.
New products are great to find, but don’t get caught in the “bright shiny object” trap! The vendors are awesome and knowledgeable. They can give you deep dives on products you use, as well as connect you with other attendees using the product to its full potential so you can become a mastermind.
4. Talk to some local Realtors and preview property in New York.
Examine what it is like to sell in a unique market. Learn from others by seeing what they are doing. Bonus: Build your referral network.
5. Listen with intent — the speakers have great takeaways.
Charge your technology, bring your notebook (it holds less distraction) and don’t judge, just listen … you never know what will revolutionize your business.
Then go out and have fun!
Aaron Woodman is the Los Angeles operations manager for The Boutique Real Estate Group and has more than a decade of real estate sales experience as both an agent and a managing broker/owner. Follow him on Twitter.