Radio Ham

Image via Wikipedia

If you’re using Twitter as part of your business communication plan how can you tell if any of those followers are in your market? What good is it to have 10,000 Twitter followers if they’re all located in places that aren’t really relevant to your practice? It isn’t very good at all.

TweepsMap scrolls through your Twitter followers and then plots your followers on a map either by country, state/province or city. This makes a quick, simple way for you to tell whether that massive social reach is actually useful for your real estate practice or if you’ve just been chatting with people around the world in the latest iteration of the ham radio.

Once you’ve got a good look at the map view, you can get the list view. This is the one I like most but I’m nerdy that way.

Segment your followers by city and get a list of cities from which your Twitter followers hail.

Quick hint: if you’re using Twitter to attract and interact with potential customers then your market city and any known feeder cities for your market will hopefully be pretty high on this list.

Taking action on the data

Using TweepsMap will let you know where the people who have chosen to get your Twitter messages reside. If the lists and maps don’t align with your business target audiences, you should take some action.

Here are some things to try out in order to increase the number of followers in your target markets:

  • Listen: Search for your town name and see who is already talking about it.
  • Listen: Search for your town media sources and see who is already talking about them.
  • Listen: Search for unique cultural things about your area and see who is already talking about them.

Those people who are already talking about your area, media and unique cultural stuff–get to know them. Online or offline. Get to know them. Those are the people who can help your business in your town.

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