MyCityWay, maker of mobile marketing apps and tools for a variety of industries, has released a customizable consumer-facing mobile app for real estate brokers and agents with a backend dashboard that helps them manage leads and info within the app.

The branded app, available in iOS and Android versions and designed for consumers to use to find neighborhood-specific info based on their current location with data MyCityWay culls, features a home screen of tiles that agents can populate with information agents choose.

Agents can customize the tiles with information including their contact info, bio and photo, their brokerage’s branding, featured listings, Twitter feeds, personalized listings for specific clients, a feed of their upcoming open houses, and geofenced push alerts.

MyCityWay co-founder and CEO Puneet Mehta calls it an “autopilot relationship management” tool.

Using the backend of the app, which comes with an initial setup charge and a monthly fee to use, agents can design its front-end view, communicate with leads and clients, see how users interact with the app, segment leads based on engagement and note which listings get the most attention.

The app also allows agents to customize it for particular clients, including sending specific listings to their home screen and setting up location-triggered push alerts that will send clients a note on their device if they happen to be within a certain distance of a listing they’ve favorited or an open house the agent thinks they might like to visit.

The app was designed to initiate deep engagement with consumers on mobile devices, Mehta said. Mobile users often have short attention spans, he said, so if you’re able to establish four or five meaningful moments in a row, the opportunity to convert leads to clients multiplies.

MyCityWay, founded in 2009, currently works with BMWi Ventures, the early-stage investment wing of the luxury car maker, and says it has worked with a variety of large brands in other industries.

Agent-branded consumer apps are all the rage. Last week, Keller Williams Realty launched one for its 88,000 affiliated agents and earlier this year DreamCommerce and Imprev Inc. released branded apps for agents. released a free agent-branded mobile app last year.

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