The kidnapping and murder of Arkansas real estate agent Beverly Carter has spurred Colorado’s largest multiple listing service to provide any agent or broker in the state with a personal safety mobile app at a discounted rate.

Denver-area MLS Metrolist has teamed up with a local company, MyForce, to offer the latter’s “Never Walk Alone” app, which allows brokers and agents to touch a single button to send an alert to a security team that’s on duty around the clock.

The alerts provide real-time GPS location information to the security team, and audio of what is happening. Also included are details that agents provide at registration, including their name, photo, phone number, emergency contacts and known safety issues.

The security team listens in on the audio to tell whether or not an agent is in trouble. If the team can’t tell, MyForce will call the agent on his or her smartphone and ask for a previously designated “safe word.” If the wrong word is given, the team will assume the agent needs help and coordinate emergency response with local authorities, according to an FAQ on the MyForce website.

Agents are not charged extra for sending alerts, the site said.

“MyForce allows members to be proactive about their safety even in those situations when you’re not sure if the situation will escalate,” said Brad Zotti, CEO and co-founder of MyForce, in a statement.

“MyForce is perfect for those situations where you feel a concern for your safety and need to discreetly send an alert for help. Often you don’t have enough time to call 911 and provide the necessary information to receive emergency response. With MyForce, you touch a single button and our professional monitoring team takes care of the rest to make sure you get the help you need and fast.”

As part of the partnership between MyForce and Metrolist, Colorado agents and brokers can subscribe to the app individually for $99 for the first year, $50 off the full-price rate. That’s reduced to $79.99 if a firm has more than one user. If a brokerage has 25 or more users, an annual subscription costs $69.99 per user.

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