A California home that Robin Williams purchased in 2008 has been listed by Compass agents for $7.25 million.

The beloved actor and comedian, who passed away in 2014, bought the Belvedere Tiburon home in 2008 for $4.05 million. The home, located on the San Francisco Bay in Marin County, California, has been left untouched since Williams’ suicide and has now been listed by his estate and widow, Susan Williams.

Compass’ Penny Wright-Mulligan and Haley Wright are the agents in charge of handling the sale.

Sitting at 95 St. Thomas Way, the house overlooks the Paradise Cay waterfront and boasts six bedrooms and 6,500 square feet of space. With 10-foot ceilings and crown molding, it’s built in the modern Mediterranean style. It also boasts a pool and hot tub looking over the bay, a dock leading to the water and a three-car garage. This is the first time the home has hit the market since Williams bought it in 2008.

“Open to the whole back of the home with direct access to the bay, the spacious deck and pool area create an ideal indoor/outdoor living environment,” reads the listing description. “This home is an entertainer’s dream!”

With an Oscar and numerous Emmy and Golden Globe Awards, Williams is best known for films including “Dead Poets Society,” “Good Will Hunting” and “Mrs. Doubtfire.” His 2014 suicide rocked the entertainment world and prompted a worldwide discussion on how mental health struggles can often go unnoticed.

Email Veronika Bondarenko

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