Bret Calltharp, a real estate industry veteran of 15 years, is set to join MoxiWorks as director of business development, it was announced Tuesday.

Calltharp was previously the director of industry relations at Zillow, one of the company’s most public-facing roles.

“My greatest joy over the years has been connecting with incredible broker and agent entrepreneurs and helping them improve strategy, systems, and bottom lines,” Calltharp said. “I knew I wanted to get back into the trenches and work more closely with the people that are the heart of this industry, so over the past few months, I met with a wide array of franchises and proptech firms searching for the right opportunity.”

Much of Calltharp’s job at Zillow was to correct the record and engage with what the company perceives as misconceptions about what they do and where the business is headed.

At MoxiWorks, he’ll get the opportunity to work closely with brokers and agents that use tools from the real estate tech startup, which offers a comprehensive real estate platform, including a customer relationship management tool, marketing tools and other back-end tech solutions. MoxiWorks claims to have more than 260 brokerage and 340,000 agent clients.

Calltharp previously worked in business development and talent attraction at RE/MAX and Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate.

“I’m so thrilled to have [Calltharp] join the MoxiWorks family,” Georgia Perez, vice president of business development and product evangelism at MoxiWorks, said in a statement. “[Calltharp] will be adding his considerable talents and deep knowledge of the Real Estate industry to the Moxi sales team.”

Email Patrick Kearns

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