Here are some basic New Year’s resolutions that should be fairly easy to stick with and that will pay off big time.

You may have already started thinking about what you’ll do to improve your personal and professional life in the new year. On the other hand, you may be thinking that resolutions never work, so why bother?

The following five resolutions however, are not only easy to stick to, but offer the kind of payoff that will help keep you motivated for the long haul.

1. Learn to use your phone

You may think that you’re already living on your phone, but you probably haven’t fully explored its capabilities. Take some time to learn more about your phone’s features. Learn to optimize its assistive options, and install mobile versions of your favorite desktop platforms.

Truly mastering your phone’s potential can help you work more effectively on-the-go and save you hours of desk time. In addition, with mobile CRM and transaction management, you’ll be more responsive and more organized than ever before.

2. Develop a time management program

If you feel that you are constantly stressed out and running to catch up, you need to take control of the clock and the calendar. Develop a time management program that can help you organize your day and make time for the things that pay dividends both at work and at home.

Whether you choose time blocking, Beat the Clock, mono-tasking, or just get better at setting reminders and alarms on your phone, better time management will help you to feel more in control, reduce stress, and keep you on track each day, week, month, and throughout 2020.

3. Get serious about content

What is your biggest marketing challenge? Whether it’s keeping up with your social media posts, revamping your website, or starting that long-delayed blog, podcast, or video channel, you can no longer afford to put off content creation

Instead of beating yourself up for what you haven’t done, figure out what is keeping you from creating content and address that challenge first.

Do you lack time? Expertise? Confidence? Consider working with a coach or outsourcing some of your content production in order to overcome your reluctance, so that you can give yourself a boost and get started.

4. Learn something new

One of the most important things that you can do to differentiate yourself is to take on a growth mindset. Whether you choose to seek a new certification or designation, move from agent to broker, or take a class at the local association, you’ll find that investing time, money, and effort in education pays big dividends.

Alternatively, take advantage of one of the many free and convenient online platforms to learn something new that you can use each day in your business. Explore Canva or Poster My Wall for flyers, postcards, and other promotional graphics. Work with Wix to create a customizable website. Master Excel spreadsheets in order to better track your finances.

5. Practice self-care

New Year’s resolutions are often punishing, involving things that we need to improve or tasks that we need to do. Instead of resolving to do more or be better, why not resolve to take better care of yourself?

If you spend all of your time taking care of your clients and your family, who’s taking care of you? Set aside some time each day for meditation or visualization. Make a standing appointment for a weekly massage. Keep facial masks on hand for anytime you have an extra half hour to chill out.

Remember, resolutions don’t have to make you feel bad about yourself. Choose something that makes you feel more relaxed, more in control, and more connected. Hopefully, each of these can become a meaningful and rewarding part of your daily routine.

Do you want to be featured on an upcoming “Lesson Learned” column? Reach out to us here!

Christy Murdock Edgar is a Realtor, freelance writer, coach and consultant with Writing Real Estate. She is also a Florida Realtors faculty member. Follow Writing Real Estate on  FacebookTwitterInstagram  and YouTube.

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