Not long after breaking the news that they’re expecting their third child, beloved celeb couple John Legend and Chrissy Teigen put their Beverly Hills home on the market.

As reported by The Wall Street Journal, the 8,500-square-foot mansion was listed with Marshall Peck of Douglas Elliman for $23.95 million. It has seven bedrooms and is located just north of Los Angeles’ Sunset Boulevard.

They bought it for $14.1 million in January 2016 and enlisted interior designer Don Stewart to modernize it and add a few touches inspired by Teigen’s Thai heritage — these include a hand-carved wood ceiling from Thailand and teak wood detailing.

“We like modern with still some edge to it and some warmth and some coziness,” Legend told the WSJ. They also redid the kitchen, as Teigen has two published cookbooks and runs a food site called Cravings, and the master closets to have more space.

The decision to sell the house comes as the couple’s family expands — Legend and Teigen have been living in it with their kids Luna, 4, and Miles, 2, throughout the coronavirus pandemic. Legend has held many virtual concerts from the space, and Teigen has shared cooking videos and moments with her kids with her 31 million Instagram followers.

Legend, whose most famous songs include “All Of Me” and “Tonight,” is one of the most accomplished modern singers alive today. He is part of what is known in the industry as the prestigious EGOT Circle, or a very small group of artists who have won an Emmy, a Grammy, an Oscar and a Tony award. Legend met Teigen, a model who appeared on the cover of Sports Illustrated, in 2006 during filming of the “Stereo” music video.

Email Veronika Bondarenko

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