If you’re looking to improve the customer experience for your agents’ clients, marketing tools can come in handy. Here are a few you should consider adding to your repertoire.

August is Listings Tech theme month at Inman. All month, we’re digging into listing technology, a conversation which spans portals to single-listing sites, landing pages, 3-D tours, photography, videos, promotion and more.

Marketing is an incredibly powerful tool that can not only propel your brand’s image but also play an important role in improving customer service and satisfaction for your agents and their clients.

Tailoring your marketing strategy to your agents and their clients’ bottom line with targeted tools will ensure everyone’s efforts are aligned and that they’re working toward a common goal.

Elevating the experience for clients and agents creates certainty. It also establishes a seamless and efficient buying and selling process. Here are a few marketing tools and strategies that can help improve customer service at your brokerage — while ensuring your listings stand apart.

1. Nifty tech tools

In today’s digital age, we are fortunate to have access to some of the most advanced tech tools in our industry.

According to a recent study by the National Association of Realtors (NAR), agents across the country noted several tech tools they’ve found most useful to their business, with drones, cybersecurity and lead generation tools topping their must-have list.

Harnessing the power of these offerings will help drive your marketing strategy forward. Think: a CRM system that can automate templates and contact lists, wealth engines that allow agents to walk into a listing presentation with a list of qualified prospects, digital QR codes on sales signage, beacon technology that can push out property details to those interested, virtual staging tools, applications (like Spacio) that can create reports for sellers and so much more.

All to say, there are endless possibilities to get your message across.

2. Meaningful content

Working with your marketing team to develop bespoke content that is meaningful and useful for your agents and their clients is paramount.

Creating tools that make the buying and selling process seamless — like a “buyer’s guide” that outlines in detail what buyers and sellers can expect throughout the process — is an example of how you can capitalize on marketing for customer service.

Other tools, like 3D listing tours, a stellar website, engaging videos, beautiful photography and drone-captured footage also help create visually immersive and interactive marketing material that evokes emotion and leaves a positive impression.

3. Branded homes

One of the most eye-catching marketing tools at an agent’s disposal is custom branding for their listings.

Providing clients with a bespoke brand package for their property will ensure their listing stands out from the rest. It also adds to an agent’s ability to market the home in a way that’s unique, striving for the highest price possible by selling the home as its own brand and entity.

4. Superior listing presentations

Create striking and impressive listing presentations that agents can be armed with when meeting with potential clients is key. Having the listing presentation in various formats will ensure the broker can tailor the meeting to the clients’ preferences.

For example, developing a digital version of the presentation that’s linked to comparable properties in the area will allow the sellers to see how their property compares to those that have recently been sold in the area.

5. Insightful reports

When it comes to buying and selling properties, communication is so important. Finding new ways to showcase to clients how you’re going above and beyond to find them the perfect home or sell their property for the best price possible is crucial.

Generating seller reports, for instance, can be an excellent tool, as they detail digital traffic to their listing and can track how your marketing efforts are performing. Reports like these illustrate to clients that you are sharing the most updated information and knowledge of the market.

In short, marketing tools can be beneficial if you’re seeking to elevate and improve the customer experience for your agents and their clients. Harnessing technology, generating meaningful content and reporting, and consistently communicating to clients how you’re going above and beyond to help them throughout the buying and selling process will ensure success.

Rainy Hake Austin is the president of The Agency in Los Angeles, California. Connect with her on Instagram

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