Mortgage rates plus all the latest daily real estate market news
May 18

This infographic from Wimdu might explain why that decorating change you just made has caused the walls to close in on you.

May 17
A new group of CEOs has emerged to challenge the dominant brand
May 17

Kim Colaprete and Chavi Hohm, co-owners of Team Diva Real Estate, share why they feel agent training is key, the biggest challenge to real estate today and how marketing can help generate clients.

May 17
Freshly remodeled unit in full-service tower
May 17
Mortgage rates plus all the latest daily real estate market news
May 17

This five-bedroom, four-building home has breathtaking views and plenty of storage space for the active island lifestyle. It’s listed for $7.7 million with Hawaii Life.

May 17

Keys90 created this infographic of the most astonishing buildings in the world — that haven’t yet been built. Check them out.

May 16
A debate on the topic of Zillow’s value in the real estate marketplace
May 16
Weiss Analytics predicts home price changes for 2016
May 16
Versatile floor plan and multiple studies allows both fun and peace
May 16
Weiss Analytics predicts home price changes for 2016
May 16
In this weekly podcast, Homesnap breaks down using charitable efforts to help your business brand power
May 16
This week's L.A. news relating to the real estate industry
May 16
This week's San Francisco news relating to the real estate industry
May 16
Mortgage rates plus all the latest daily real estate market news
May 16
This week's Chicago news relating to the real estate industry
May 15
This week's Miami news relating to the real estate industry
May 15
This week's Washington D.C. news relating to the real estate industry
May 15
This week's New York news relating to the real estate industry
May 15