The highest rated schools are located in the most expensive neighborhood in Houston
Over 20,000 square feet of stunning architecture
Per Zillow, Houston homeowners spend much less of their income on housing than renters
Three real estate legends ponder a question
Per Zillow, the home value index dropped by a sliver in DC
BH&GRE CEO talks issues, leadership and how to crack the old boys club
Our daily summary of market news, updated regularly with new tidbits
Two acres of oceanside land surround this lovely home
Answer our survey for the chance to win an iPhone 6s
Startup Alley showcases "What's Next" in tech
The small plane crashed into an apartment building in Akron
The CEO at Houston-based The RE Company shares her three “must” for a successful company and why her greatest motivation is waking up every day thinking, “Who am I going to help?”
Residential prices down month-over-month but up year-over-year
Home prices were down month-over-month but up year-over-year
Residential prices down month-over-month, up year-over-year
Both month-over-month and year-over-year indices are up
Residential prices up month-over-month and year-over-year
Brad Inman and the CEO talk business
Our daily summary of market news, updated regularly with new tidbits
Waterfront views from almost every room