Do your agents wake up every morning excited to go to work?
All the latest real estate market news.
What is your value proposition?
The high-tech brokerage is winning at real estate, and you should understand why
Get the 411 on indie M&A from the pros
Hear about Compass straight from Compass
Startups touting a swifter home sale have big plans to shake up the industry
All the latest real estate market news.
Thad Wong of @properties talks competition
General Manager of Opendoor in Phoenix and Ssnior Director of Broker Relations for Zillow Group talk about this new breed of tech companies
Work hard and smart
Are you using your leads as efficiently as possible?
Watch the pros work through tech roadblocks for the Inman audience
All the latest real estate market news.
If you want to serve them, you should understand them
M&A is happening — here's how to get ahead of the trend and leverage it to your advantage
Here are tools that will make your life so much easier
A look at Trust Stamp, a lead-screening tool
... and what is new and around the bend?
... and how to perfect your social media strategy