January home values up nearly 21% from a year ago
Index gauging conditions dips in February
Median household income falls short by $85,000 in San Francisco area
Discount real estate companies among fastest-growing
BuyBankHomes.com gets new features
Baird & Warner sells nearly 19,000 homes in 2004
Chicago's median condo prices approach $200,000
30-year up to 5.11%; 10-year Treasury up at 4.09%
Launches new Featured Advertiser service
Real estate innovator - Part 1: CIO executes on company's ideas
Adds 200 franchise offices to network
RealBird flies new integration interface
Auto giant partners with ABN AMRO Mortgage Group
Family relinquishes longtime property ownership
Building usage to remain virtually unchanged
Property renovated twice in last 12 years
Company provides private loan services for home buyers
Prices fall from December record
Joint conference targets public records, real estate info pros
Technology streamlines antiquated process