Stop listing reasons, and make it happen
When using your broker's brand can hold you back -- or set you free
Agents: Pay attention to what you write
Setting realistic expectations is key to the success for any venture
Set the right tone for your business
Originality kills mediocrity
Technology forces change
Pull the trigger before you miss out
See the greater vision and promote your strengths to get there
If the goal of your business is to gain customers, you need it
Branding must support lead generation and vice versa
The old brain is skeptical, and it takes great marketing to make action to happen
It depends on several factors, including consistency and commitment
Don't rely on those same outdated techniques your competitors are using
Plus how to double-check them for yourself
A consistent marketing strategy
Once you take the plunge, you will feel liberated and enjoy success
Proper marketing is essential to the success of a new business
Do I need branding or just a logo?
Figure out what service you need before you hire someone