
Amy Geddes is the executive vice president and chief operating officer of Clareity Security, which has some 90 multiple listing service customers representing 550,000 agents. Clareity launched an “app store” in May, giving MLSs and vendors a new way to market and sell third-party products to real estate agents and brokers. Clareity quickly announced partnerships with MLS platform providers CoreLogic and LPS, which will give 900,000 MLS subscribers across the United States and Canada access to the Clareity Store. The store subsequently earned an Inman News Innovator Award for Most Innovative MLS or Real Estate Trade Association App, Tool or Vendor. Before joining Clareity in December 2004, Geddes was the CEO of Boise, Idaho-based Intermountain Multiple Listing Service for seven years. During her tenure at IMLS, she spearheaded a consolidation and regionalization initiative that grew the MLS from 2,000 members to more than 5,000 members and tripled its listing data coverage area.

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