
Boubou Guiro

Founder and CEO

Boubou Guiro, CEO and founder of real estate video startup Onvedeo, won the Asian Real Estate Association of America’s inaugural startup competition in September for his pitch of the firm’s automatic video creation platform “VidGenie.” The tool, released earlier in 2013, creates location-specific videos for brokers and agents using a library of live-recorded voice-overs in multiple languages and video snippets down to the neighborhood level. Before founding Onvedeo, Guiro worked with CBS Interactive as a product director and product manager for two years.

Boubou Guiro, CEO and founder of real estate video startup Onvedeo, won the Asian Real Estate Association of America’s inaugural startup competition in September for his pitch of the firm’s automatic video creation platform “VidGenie.” The tool, released earlier in 2013, creates location-specific videos for brokers and agents using a library of live-recorded voice-overs in multiple languages and video snippets down to the neighborhood level. Before founding Onvedeo, Guiro worked with CBS Interactive as a product director and product manager for two years.

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