Brokerages, Franchisors, Brokerage Organizations

Diane Ramirez


Diane Ramirez, longtime president of New York City-based brokerage Halstead Property LLC, became the firm’s CEO in 2013. Halstead Property, which Ramirez helped found in 1984, signed a deal to bring interactive storefronts to its offices in January. The firm has been using drones to capture photographs to enhance its high-end listings for more than two years. Ramirez worked as a selling broker until 1987, consistently ranking in the top 5 percent of the firm’s brokers. Since then, she’s served in management roles including director of sales, and was named president of the firm in 1999. Halstead Property was acquired in 2001 by Terra Holdings LLC and has 29 offices in New York City, New York state, New Jersey and Connecticut. Ramirez began her real estate career in 1973 in Palm Beach, Fla., where she continues to maintain her license.

Diane Ramirez, longtime president of New York City-based brokerage Halstead Property LLC, became the firm’s CEO in 2013. Halstead Property, which Ramirez helped found in 1984, signed a deal to bring interactive storefronts to its offices in January. The firm has been using drones to capture photographs to enhance its high-end listings for more than two years. Ramirez worked as a selling broker until 1987, consistently ranking in the top 5 percent of the firm’s brokers. Since then, she’s served in management roles including director of sales, and was named president of the firm in 1999. Halstead Property was acquired in 2001 by Terra Holdings LLC and has 29 offices in New York City, New York state, New Jersey and Connecticut. Ramirez began her real estate career in 1973 in Palm Beach, Fla., where she continues to maintain her license.

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