
Ernie Graham

Senior Director of Product Management

Ernie Graham, senior director of product management at Move Inc.’s, had a big year in 2013 with the launch of the profile management software SocialBios he and Move had been incubating in beta for two years. Graham also led the development of’s controversial (eventually suspended) agent-ranking platform AgentMatch, which prioritized agents by multiple listing service performance stats by city, ZIP code and neighborhood in two test markets. Graham joined move in 2011 when the firm acquired his SocialBios startup. Before starting SocialBios in 2010, Graham ran Telluride360 Real Estate, a land and multi-unit resort development and sales firm he founded in 2003.

Ernie Graham, senior director of product management at Move Inc.’s, had a big year in 2013 with the launch of the profile management software SocialBios he and Move had been incubating in beta for two years. Graham also led the development of’s controversial (eventually suspended) agent-ranking platform AgentMatch, which prioritized agents by multiple listing service performance stats by city, ZIP code and neighborhood in two test markets. Graham joined move in 2011 when the firm acquired his SocialBios startup. Before starting SocialBios in 2010, Graham ran Telluride360 Real Estate, a land and multi-unit resort development and sales firm he founded in 2003.

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