Brokerages, Franchisors, Brokerage Organizations

Pamela Liebman

President and CEO

New York City-based The Corcoran Group has been led by President and CEO Pamela Liebman since 2000, and in 2013 Liebman took the momentous step of joining Twitter. Typically on the leading edge of trends, The Corcoran Group, a subsidiary of Realogy’s brokerage group NRT, became the first non-National Association of Realtors-affiliated firm to send listings to in 2013. Liebman joined The Corcoran Group in her early 20s, and within a year became the top agent in her office. She spearheaded the negotiations that resulted in the successful acquisition of The Corcoran Group by NRT, and has overseen several major acquisitions by the company, including prominent brokerages in Palm Beach and the Hamptons, growing The Corcoran Group to more than 1,900 agents in 25 offices and expanding its reach to the most prestigious real estate markets in the country. Under Liebman’s direction, Corcoran Group Marketing was created to represent new construction projects from start to finish, making Corcoran the first New York City real estate firm to establish its own new development division.

New York City-based The Corcoran Group has been led by President and CEO Pamela Liebman since 2000, and in 2013 Liebman took the momentous step of joining Twitter. Typically on the leading edge of trends, The Corcoran Group, a subsidiary of Realogy’s brokerage group NRT, became the first non-National Association of Realtors-affiliated firm to send listings to in 2013. Liebman joined The Corcoran Group in her early 20s, and within a year became the top agent in her office. She spearheaded the negotiations that resulted in the successful acquisition of The Corcoran Group by NRT, and has overseen several major acquisitions by the company, including prominent brokerages in Palm Beach and the Hamptons, growing The Corcoran Group to more than 1,900 agents in 25 offices and expanding its reach to the most prestigious real estate markets in the country. Under Liebman’s direction, Corcoran Group Marketing was created to represent new construction projects from start to finish, making Corcoran the first New York City real estate firm to establish its own new development division.

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