Brokerages, Franchisors, Brokerage Organizations

A 21-year industry veteran and an associate broker at Coldwell Banker Westburn Realty in Vancouver, Tina Mak is the founding president of the Vancouver chapter of the Asian Real Estate Association of America (AREAA). In 2013, she was one of several real estate heavyweights featured in a “mockumentary” by the real estate social network RESAAS. Mak, whose clients hail from around the world, has also hosted her own weekly radio real estate show since 2007 targeting the area’s Chinese community. Guests have included Coldwell Banker CEO Jim Gillespie, Coldwell Banker Canada President John Geha, Coldwell Banker Australia CEO Alex Caraco, and Matthew Ferrara at Matthew Ferrara & Co. Tina was featured in Maclean’s magazine in 2012, and she’s been a speaker in the United States and Canada.

A 21-year industry veteran and an associate broker at Coldwell Banker Westburn Realty in Vancouver, Tina Mak is the founding president of the Vancouver chapter of the Asian Real Estate Association of America (AREAA). In 2013, she was one of several real estate heavyweights featured in a “mockumentary” by the real estate social network RESAAS. Mak, whose clients hail from around the world, has also hosted her own weekly radio real estate show since 2007 targeting the area’s Chinese community. Guests have included Coldwell Banker CEO Jim Gillespie, Coldwell Banker Canada President John Geha, Coldwell Banker Australia CEO Alex Caraco, and Matthew Ferrara at Matthew Ferrara & Co. Tina was featured in Maclean’s magazine in 2012, and she’s been a speaker in the United States and Canada.

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