Last week, we asked you to tell us where you're trimming the fat in your budget. Here's what you had to say
by Inman Mar 1
Pulse: Our readers share their favorite social media influencers
Last week, we asked you, our readers, to share your favorite social media influencers. Here are the people you look to for information, inspiration and advice on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube
by Inman Jan 26
Pulse: The toughest decisions our readers made this year
Last week, we asked you to share some of the tough calls you had to make this year in light of the challenges brought on by COVID-19. Here's what you had to say
by Inman Jul 26
Pulse: The best piece of advice our readers received
This week, our readers share the best piece of advice they've ever received from family, colleagues and leaders. These nuggets of wisdom are not only applicable in the (home) office, but in day-to-day life as well
by Inman Jul 26
Pulse: Who are your favorite social media influencers, and why?
This week, we're asking you to share your favorite social media influencers. Who are the people you look to for advice on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and even TikTok? And more importantly, why? 
by Inman Jul 26
Pulse: What's the toughest decision you've made this year?
With a pandemic raging in the background, we know you've had to make some tough calls this year. But what was the most important (read: most difficult) decision you've had to make so far?
by Inman Jul 25
Pulse: What's the best piece of advice you've received?
This week, we want to know what's the best piece of advice you've ever heard, how it helped you, and how it still holds true now. Who gave it to you? Was it your friend, leader, coach or mentor?
by Inman Jul 25
What's the most outrageous fair housing violation you've seen in marketing? Pulse
Do people see fair housing language as a matter of 'ask for forgiveness, not permission' or do they take it seriously as the law of the land?
by Inman Feb 23
Here's how readers are handling buyer love letters today: Pulse
Are you still sending some form of buyer love letter? If not, what are you doing instead? That's what we asked readers last week. Here's what readers had to say
by Inman Feb 16
Readers call out the shadiest buyer boosting behavior in their markets: Pulse
In this wild market, some agents will do anything for a deal. We asked you to share the shadiest behavior you've seen on the part of buyers (and their agents)
by Inman Feb 9
Readers shared their piping hot takes on iBuyers for 2022: Pulse
As we began iBuyer month at Inman, we asked readers for their best insights on the future of iBuyers and they delivered
by Christy Murdock Feb 2
Readers dish about the agents they appreciate: Pulse
To close out Agent Appreciation Month, we asked Inman readers to share those agents who made their real estate life and career better.
by Inman Jan 26
Readers share their worst day in real estate: Pulse
We’ve all had those terrible, horrible, no good, very bad days. Today, readers share the worst ones they've had in real estate
by Inman Jan 19
11+ weird things readers have seen their clients do
From Frankenstein labs to electromagnetic scanning devices, here are some really weird client behaviors readers witnessed first-hand
by Inman Jan 12
Readers share what drives them nuts as agents
Inflated egos, bad communication, lack of proper knowledge (and respect) — this week, readers blow off some steam and share some things in real estate that really get on their nerves
by Inman Jan 5