WATCH: Back to Basics 101 — Get dressed, and get to work
Realtor, trainer and consultant with Doorbell Real Estate in Tennessee, Laura Fangman shares her top tip for getting motivated to get more business
by Inman Apr 21
Pulse: What's your top tip for weathering this hot seller's market?
Bidding wars, high prices and low housing supply — navigating this red-hot seller's market is no walk in the park. So, this week, we're asking you to share your best tips on working through and dealing with the current situation
by Inman Apr 21
How to build a brand that elevates your business
Building a brand is often synonymous with building a business. Your brand communicates what do and what you stand for, and it helps build trust with potential clients. Here are a few tips for building a brand that'll ultimately boost your business
by Mauricio Umansky Apr 20
Increase your rental's property value! 7 home improvement ideas
Increasing your rental's value takes lots of time, effort and even monetary investments — but it's well worth it in the end. Here are a few inexpensive and easy home improvement ideas that will help you see the best return on your rental property
by Nichole Shahverdi Apr 20
4 fundamental skills agents need to brush up on right now
Are you practicing clear communication? Mastering the art of negotiation? No matter how many years you spend in the business, there are a few essential skills every agent should revisit and polish from time to time
by Santiago Arana Apr 20
Close the deal! How to forget leads, and adopt a growth mindset
To break down the barriers in your mind that are holding you back, you need guts, dedication and grit. Find out from military elite-turned-consultant Kate Monroe how maintain the energy and drive it takes to grow
by Victoria Kennedy Apr 20
Pulse: The client objections you are hearing most this spring
With a red-hot market grappling with housing shortage and bidding wars, what are clients worried about the most today? Our readers weigh in with the most pressing concerns their clients are expressing this spring
by Inman Apr 20
WATCH: Back To Basics 101 — 3 tips for brand new agents
Rebecca Nazareth, Realtor with eHomes, shares her top tips for brand new agents in this competitive market
by Inman Apr 19
Staging works! How to have that conversation with sellers
Some sellers may think their home is perfect the way it is, but as a lot of agents know, staging is what will help set their home apart from similar listings online. Here's how to explain the value of staging to clients — plus a few tips that can bring them a considerable return on investment
by Jenny Usaj Apr 19
Trust is everything! 6 effective ways to earn it from prospects
In this fast-paced market, ethics and transparency can take a backseat to speed — but that only makes trust that much more crucial today. If you want to earn prospects' trust and solidify your reputation, here are a few ways to do so
by Stephanie Lanier Apr 19
Lesson Learned: Do what works for you
Find out how Georgia Coast Homes’ Karin Carr learned to tap into her own power instead of following the pack
by Christy Murdock Apr 19
Freestanding, walk-in, whirlpool: What agents should know about bathtubs
As an agent, you can intelligently field questions about bathtubs and their variations if you have a few facts at your fingertips. Here are a handful of things you need to know about different types of bathtubs and their maintenance
by Gerard Splendore Apr 19
10 secret Instagram and Facebook features most agents miss
Stuck for content ideas? Need to better promote your listings? Want more reach? Here are the top hidden features you should know about in 2021
by Katie Lance Apr 17
WATCH: Back To Basics 101 — Don’t forget who you work for
Realtor, trainer and consultant with Doorbell Real Estate in Tennessee, Laura Fangman shares her top tip for reaching potential clients
by Inman Apr 16
Here's how I generated $11M in listings — in 3 months
Nothing is more impactful than letting homeowners know the value of their homes in the current market, and nothing will keep you top-of-mind more than this process. Enter the unsolicited seller CMA video
by Jimmy Burgess Apr 16
9 listing presentation mistakes you can't afford to make
Be sure to avoid these common mistakes, and you are well on the way to controlling the market and the ultimate success of your career
by Thomas Mallette Apr 15