A discussion of distressed property in the information age
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Tips for working with homebuyers from overseas
You don't need a fancy getup or flying abilities to make a real difference in someone's life
It's time to replace '33 Touch' with '33 Serve'
These innovations are working right now in a seller's market, but changing market conditions could wreck the whole strategy
Closing games: The team of professionals at your side is critical
Inman Market Intel's comprehensive data opens the door for stronger pricing models
The trick is in the follow-up
Let go of your old-fashioned methods
Finding the right home for your future buyer
What you can do to help clients who are faced with moving a parent after losing a spouse
Avoid shiny object syndrome
A recap of the event in quick-quip format
What showing, buying and selling might look like in a decade or two
Plus 6 tips to help your clients' credit scores
Want to succeed in real estate? Be different than your competition
Lifestyle data can be leveraged to find the perfect house for your buyer
Even in the midst of a technology-driven society, face-to-face interactions are still the most crucial form of communication
Take control of and eliminate the minor things so that you can focus on productive tasks