What people have been seeing since Oct. 3
Plus my favorite new tech
Get a leg up on your competition by tracking local statistics
Learn to read the signs in your area
Thank goodness for the brokers who manage expectations
Overcome your fear by facing it
Boomers have so much stuff and not enough space
Living in perpetual perfection isn't so perfect
Looking to the market helps with pricing decisions
Whether it be for family or to avoid harsh winters, boomers are on the move
Baby Boomers are downsizing and freeing up inventory
Which of these takeaways will change your business?
Inaction is simply easier than action
Candidate excels in using the fix-it approach
Despite the haters, price-per-square-foot technique does hit home runs
Open your eyes to tenant representation and educating potential buyers
Several common misconceptions unveiled
Advice from agents on how to deal with this proposition
Just get to the point
From LinkedIn best practices to overcoming shiny object syndrome