Real Estate Marketing Ideas & Strategies
The best posts you produce are ultimately the ones that are going to get shared, so give your social media a great deal of thought before you hit publish
Communicate, follow up, show a little empathy, treat your clients how you’d want to be treated — do that, and they’ll walk away singing your praise
Sometimes sellers need a lesson in what not to do to follow their agent's best advice
Readers offered a range of responses that tended to revolve around the wealth-building effect of homeownership
Four agents from around the globe share their secrets
These are the conferences, workshops, seminars and retreats you need to know about all this year
Currently in beta mode, the company is partnering with Gary Gold and Ann Abernethy, among others
Inman's founder and publisher shares what to expect at ICNY
We reviewed First in 2017. It has since gone mobile-only and encourages users to uncover new business from existing contacts and by keeping a pulse on the flow of the market
Generating leads isn't always fulfilling, but it should be
Keep your clients thinking of you even as they sit by the fire in December
Did you know that 12 states maintain do-not-call lists in addition to the national DNC list?
Think local, make it personal, and don’t let go of someone once you get their attention
6 economists and Brad Inman published their outlook on the future of real estate this week. Here's what we agree (and disagree) with
Connect Flashback: From tech solutions to growth strategies, brokers will find tips and techniques for building a timeless brand
This is the perfect time of year to get in front of clients. The worst thing you can do is not reach out at all
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