10 simple upgrades that can transform an outdated home
As potential buyers are having to make lightning-quick decisions based on limited visits or online marketing materials alone, these fixes are no-brainers that buyers will love
by Nicole Solari Nov 15
Bu-bye! 9 signs it’s time to cut ties with clients
We can't always spot a bad apple from afar. But here are a few situations when you should say adios
by Nicole Solari Sep 6
How saying 'yes' changed the careers of 4 female real estate pros
'Don't say 'no' in fear, say 'yes' to success,' advised broker Sabrina Brown during the first day of the California Association of Realtor's WomanUP! 2020 virtual event
9 realities your clients will face when buying as-is properties
A ‘Money Pit’ is funny when it stars Tom Hanks and Shelly Long, but when it’s your clients, make sure your buyers aren’t actors in a real-time remake — and you’ll be a big star
by Nicole Solari Jul 26
So you're launching a new listing? Consider these 9 truths now
Amid this pandemic, you can cling to ingrained habits and tweak them to our current reality, or you can embrace the opportunity to add new skills, up your game, improve your personal branding and upgrade your inventory
by Nicole Solari Jul 5
A superior virtual tour will answer these 10 questions
Answering these questions live will give your prospective buyers the best virtual tour experience
by Nicole Solari Jun 8
10 common staging mistakes that could hurt your listing
Staging can make your life — and your sellers' and buyers' experiences — infinitely more rewarding, if you approach it right
by Nicole Solari May 30
10 tips for buyers putting in offers sight unseen amid coronavirus
Buying a property without seeing it in person is hardly ideal. But, in the new world created by COVID-19, virtual touring is becoming increasingly common
by Nicole Solari May 26
Stop already! 12 things agents shouldn’t be doing right now
This unique moment is a time to rise up and be better, so start by doing better
by Nicole Solari May 2
How to advise clients on upping their curb appeal
Sometimes, clients need a little nudge to truly understand the value of a home's curb appeal. It might take a little persuasion, but here's how to encourage your clients to give their homes a face-lift
by Nicole Solari Apr 26
Start Back to Basics Month by getting comfortable on camera
Being camera-worthy is more about knowledge, confidence and good communication skills than it is about appearance
by Nicole Solari Apr 1
6 things brokers should do for all new agents
Found the right talent for your company? Here's a checklist for keeping new agents satisfied, productive and ready to meet any challenges head-on
by Nicole Solari Mar 16
Dollars and Sense: What costs should new real estate agents expect?
Let's get real with newbies about what they need to spend to run their businesses
by Nicole Solari Mar 2
8 resources to give your new agents a head start
Here are a few major resources — some they have to bring to the table — that you should encourage new agents to lean into
by Nicole Solari Feb 17
Grow up! 20 unprofessional agent behaviors that need to stop
Life is harried enough. Try to pay attention to these everyday courtesies and stop making life hell for everyone around you
by Nicole Solari Jan 20